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London, United Kingdom
Let's try to clear some of it away! This blog is an attempt to demystify some Political, Educational or Technological issues. Will The Fog ever clear? We need your input in these or any other issues you may feel are worth reporting.
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Disagreeing with a person of a different faith

Some people of a number of faiths get upset when we disagree or talk about issues that may have a religious root. I may see things from my beliefs and I want to express my opinion and question things in order to track down the true faith if there is such thing. 

Who are you to try to stop me? I will never be able to discover it if I am not allowed to query/question things and the way things are! I can not guarantee that my views are the correct ones but I don’t think ‘god’ is so vindictive because I may have disagreed or may have broken a faith rule. If you are dedicated to your faith surely your 'holy task' is to persuade me to come closer to 'your way' and closer to 'your faith'. You will never achieve your task if my introduction to 'your faith' is DO NOT MENTION THIS or DO NOT SAY THAT!

Theresa May has accused Universities of not doing enough to silence religious extreme views that may incite violence. This is exactly what we shouldn't do. We should incite discussion so we can openly educate people about these extreme views so people can make their minds up and can decide objectively where they stand on the matter. This is not a responsibility of one person or one institution. We are all responsible and let's not shy away by passing this heavy weight to someone else. We all need to: Be involved - approach and question it - add your opinion freely and without fear!