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Let's try to clear some of it away! This blog is an attempt to demystify some Political, Educational or Technological issues. Will The Fog ever clear? We need your input in these or any other issues you may feel are worth reporting.
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DIY Goverment?

The chancellor today "has pledged a "fundamental reassessment" of the way government works. He has outlined plans to involve the public in making cuts". He is looking to find "the best people in their fields from inside and outside government involvement and a wider public engagement exercise over the summer ".

"Oh I hope he doesn't pick me I was really looking forward to my summer holidays!".

Are we experiencing the beginning of new era in politics?  It is all about the importance of self government. A real revolution in its internal structures! Power to the people! The last time I heard that it was during an episode of the classic "Yes Prime Minister" series. Typical! I think it was my dad once who told me that "all the things you are watching on TV are not real and they are not going to happen in real life". How wrong can you be with a statement like this.

The coalition government (Con-Lib Pact) have recently spent many hours trying to persuade "us" how things are really changing and we are going through an amazing transformation, we are going to see something that we have never experienced before! Power to the people! The chancellor is seeking public advice about the future of public spending and cuts. Would you believe it? Now it is coming down to "us" to decide which sector we need to "hit" first! Oh what a wonderful life! Power to the people!

Why are they willing to give it up?

Is it because "they" as a government are not experienced enough and don't know what's going on around them? Is it because "they" can not make "their" mind up which decision will benefit which section of our society? Or even which decision is going to be the most harmful? Oh I know, I know what we need to do. Why don't we ask the people? They can decide and if they really got it wrong we can then blame them!

Some of you may even have attempted a guess that the above script could have been easily extracted from an old classic series episode of  "Yes Prime Minister".

The saddest thing though in the whole scenario is that we, "The people" have given them this power! Now they are giving it back to us!


Many suspects and the story plot is thickening! It is definately not CSI but TSI (Technolgical Scene of Investigation). The battle is getting hotter and hotter as many companies now are entering into the 'war' of future dominance.

Who is going to succeed? That will be an interesting story plot to investigate.

Google with its Android Operating System was the only company certainly to put up some serious fight against the Apple dominance. Apple sales have grown faster during the last few months due to their recent claimed iPad 'victory' but Google with their operating system, the Android, has increased its sales at least in USA twice as fast as the iPhone equivalent.

The TSI has now moved in another area, the MSI! The new competitor to iPad it looks that will not come from Google but from a 'surprise' company the ASUS.  ASUS has made its appearance for some time with the introduction of the EeePC but it looks that they want a bigger share of the market. This time they are going for the big money.

They are ready to hit the market with two promising tablets. The MSI WindPad 100, a stylish 10-inch and the Asus Eee Pad EP121 that features a 12-inch screen. Both devices are, very impressive and designed to take on board client needs/demand. Just the right time for some developments in the tablet area.  A healthy competition that pushes more developments, brings cheaper devices and brings the usage cost down is really whats is needed.

By the way what part is Microsoft playing in all of this?

Is it all Greek to you?

It is happening so frequently and so many times but once it has surfaced the leader's re-action is so predictable! They prefer a quick 'fix' to our scandals rather than a thorough cleansing of our political system. Many of the leading figures prefer to deal with the 'person' rather than dealing with the root of the problem.

Εξωστρακισμός! (Ostracism): (Greek: έξω-οστρακισμός - exo (out)-ostrakismos). The Ancient Greeks and the Athenians specifically introduced it to deal with a person that thought to be a threat to the state. There was no opportunity for defence and it was simply a command that the person be gone for about 10 years. Everyone used to dissasociate himself from that person.  The interesting thing about ostracism was that once it happened it pacified the tremour and peace returned to troubled water.

Is it all Greek or does it sound familiar to you?

It seems that our leaders are not in favour of uprooting the cause of the problem but they prefer ostracism of the individual instead. Lets get rid of him for a while and he could always come back in the near future....
The Lib Dem leader said recently about David Laws: "I very much hope that when those questions are answered there will be an opportunity for him to rejoin the government......."

I don't know about you but it is all Greek to me!

Is there such thing as a good politician?

Not anymore! There were two good politicians with great heart and human values. John Smith and Gordon Brown and Britain has lost both of them. 

The measure of the man is what he does with power. Gordon battled his way to change things when he was in power but he was not a 'politician' in today's sense. He could not 'persuade' people to follow him as he was a doer and time was not on his side. The new 'boys' did everything they could to push him aside as our society could not tolerate 'politicians' like him. It is rather sad to see that his replacements the CON-LIB pact care for their image so much they are willing to leave their values behind because the party can not tolerate anyone that stands in its way. It has already claimed its first victim (David Laws) aiming for its second (Danny Alexander). Are they doing it because they care about OUR money or because the money scandal is exposed? Surely they knew before hand!  

Mr Clegg's favourite statement and strong belief about corrucption went like this: "There are MPs who flipped one property to the next, buying property, paid by you, the taxpayer, and then they would do the properties up, paid for by you, and pocket the difference in personal profit. They got away scot-free." 
Don't tell me that Mr Clegg didn't not know that some of his MPs hadn't abused the situation then because I'll refuse to believe it. He must have ignored it for the sake of his Party image. He hoped that no one will find out. Now he is doing it again! PARTY IMAGE! Sorry David Laws! You were a good politician!